Maty’s Acid & Indigestion Relief

A woman breaks up with the acid reflux monster she’s been living with 

Inside a diner, a woman sits at a booth. Across from her is an acid-reflux monster man that looks like a cross between The Blob, Howie Mandel in Little Monsters, and the bad guy from Robocop that has acid poured on him. They are about to break up.

INT. Diner - Day

Camera pushes in on Stephanie ( mid 30s) across from Acid Reflux man who is doing a newspaper crossword puzzle.

Stephanie: I know we’ve been together for a while…

Acid Man puts the paper down, takes his glasses off

Acid Reflux Monster Man: well I certainly don’t like where this is going.

Stephanie: Listen Acid Reflux. It’s over. I can’t sleep. You came up at 2 am last night!

Acid Reflux Monster Man: you had fajitas…

Stephanie: Well I’m taking Maty’s now.

Acid Reflux Monster Man: Acid and indigestion relief made up of real ingredients like ginger and apple cider vinegar? Drug-free, safe enough to take every day?

Stephanie: Yup.

The waitress approaches the table to take their order.

Stephanie: I’ll have the spicy fried chicken sandwich.

Acid Reflux Monster Man: Unreal…

Product shot of Maty’s on the diner kitchen counter next to an order ticket.